Apart But Connected

I recently discovered a quantum mechanical characteristic of Friendship which I hereby term ABC - Apart But Connected; like two particles in quantum entanglement, two friends can be apart but connected in a mysterious way by heartstrings.

When I met up with my ex-classmate from my secondary school recently, we both exclaimed at the same time, "You haven't changed much after 18 years!"

It was a wonderful experience reminiscing our good old schooling days when we were full of mischief and having lots of fun. Somehow, the memories flowed freely as if they were just a day old. And I was sure we both felt the same sense of closeness that we had 18 years ago!

Now I know where I should invest my time and effort to reap a lasting harvest...

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart." - Elisabeth Foley, Writer


Anonymous said…
i cant agree more on this one!
hmm,this happened to me a few days ago too!!---meeting a girl from fujian,who's really a special friend of mine,we actually ran into each other in qingdao,had good fun tgt,n missed each other very much since then but not much contact.n we met again 4 yrs later in gz!!
talkin to her is somehow like a reminice trip back to 4 yrs ago!!everythin is still so vivid!!also,things change so much for me,it's really interestin to "review" myself 4 yrs ago!!

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