Just A Quantum Thought...

Heard of Quantum Mechanics? You might have heard it but think little of it because it sounds terribly complicated and unrelated to daily life.

And you are right: it's so mind-boggling that even Albert Einstein (named as the greatest physicist of all time) had problems with it, and of course, life goes on even if you can't understand its equations.

But I think everyone should know a bit more about it because it might affect one's orientation towards religion which, in turn, would completely change one's life.

Quantum Mechanics was conceived in 1838 but only received wide attention in the 20th and 21st centuries because it was experimentally proven to be able to explain physical phenomena at the atomic level more accurately than two of the most successful theories known to mankind: Einstein's General Relativity and Newton's Classical Mechanics.

In simple layman terms, Quantum Mechanics tells us that no physical phenomenon is certain until being observed, eg. the computer screen you're looking at now may not exist if you're not conscious of it; science can no longer explain the mystery of life with certainty.

Quantum Mechanics reveals how unimaginably mysterious the universe is - there is more than meets the eye. So think again before you decide that religion/theology is "obsolete" in the modern world...


Anonymous said…
Then again, I believe I had heard that the act of observation itself would affect outcomes because it would introduce a scanning force into the observed data zone.
That reminds me of the old puzzle "if a tree fall's in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound"..

Anyhow, I would guess that the quantum physics thing is really only valid from a subatomic perspective, and makes little sense once brought into the real world.. thus whether I am here, observing, or not, my laptop is still sitting there displaying it's screen saver.. Subatomically it is probably doing all kinds of weird things even as I sit looking at it, but that'll be happening whether or not someones watching..

I reckon that the whole relativity theory is flawed somehow, and that there is something more profound yet to be unveiled..

oh well, that's my tuppence worth..

Mango the fruitarian
Kellen Parker said…
i'd echo what mango said to a large extent as well as opit. the issue of the computer screen not being there if you're not seeing it is more an issue of philosophy/metaphysics.

anyway science hasn't ever been solely able to explain everything. science is not an exact science. it's experimentation and refining of theories.

i guess my objections lies in the existence of the screen being tied to your consciousness of it. all phenomena need not be observed in an unending string of time in order to exist. based on your post, it's that it's not certain. that's not the same as saying not existing.

just a thought. nor do i think science should negate religion. i don't think they're mutually exclusive.


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