The Happiest Day of My Life

During Chinese New Year, I drove my family and a friend's family out in my new Touran for a fun time at eXplorerkid followed by a sumptuous dinner at JustAcia. At the end of the outing, during the car journey back home, my friend's young daughter candidly said that it was the happiest day of her life! I was deeply touched and for a moment, was at a loss of words - I just turned back and gave her a wide smile.

I struggled to recall the last time I've used the magical phrase "happiest day of my life" - it seems that Adulthood has kidnapped Innocence, Contentment and Unconstrained Joy and set an impossible ransom... Perhaps it's time to go on the offensive - to bring back the simple joys of life that make life's many challenges bearable - will contact Childhood and Contemplation on a rescue plan now!


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